With Tanith at your side, you begin to run with all the speed you can muster. You run along the rim of the rise that overlooks Lake Dolani, hoping to reach the river that fills the lake and effect a crossing there. Chancing a brief look over your shoulder, you see the demon horde in pursuit. Looking ahead once more, you sight a band of tall, black-skinned men in the distance, heading towards you. They are Masbaté warriors, come to save their brother bound by the lake. Panting wildly, you look back to see the demon horde closing the distance between you. Their terrible, inhuman cries are now within range of your hearing and it seems probable that the evil horde will reach you before the Masbaté do.
If you wish to stop and turn to attack, turn to 141.
If you wish to try to reach the Masbaté before the demons reach you, turn to 299.