The toad demon comes snarling and slavering at you, its arms outstretched, long-nailed claws flexing to rake at your flesh. Suddenly it leaps. You step to one side and slam your Staff into its torso, inflicting a dark, oozing wound. It howls in pain and turns clumsily. You lift your Staff to strike the creature once more as it faces you with small, red eyes that stare malevolently. You swing your Staff but you strike nothing. The demon has vanished leaving only the echo of its tormented scream and the stench of its acrid breath. The three remaining demons advance slowly towards you, gibbering with obscene delight. Using the momentum of your swinging stroke at the toad demon, you spin round to face the three hideous creatures in one fluid movement. They falter, and then step back in fear, clinging to each other and shrieking. Suddenly Tanith shouts a warning. There is something close behind you. You turn, Staff upraised, muscles tensed, ready to spring at the injured demon that has magically materialized behind you.