War of the Wizards


With a relieved sigh, both you and Tanith turn to resume your journey east. Night has almost fallen. In the faint light, you see a glimmer in the distance. It is a river. You break into a run and do not stop until you have reached the banks of its fast-flowing waters. Hurriedly, you scoop handfuls of water into your mouth, and do not stop until your parched throat is soothed and your thirst quenched. With a satisfied expression, Tanith sits up on her haunches, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

‘This is the River Dolani,’ she says. ‘It leads south, to fill the great Lake Dolani thirty miles downstream. Upstream, to the northeast, is its source in the Kashima Mountains.’

To continue your journey east you will have to cross this river. It is too wide and deep to be waded, and the current is too fast for you to be able to swim across. You ponder your next course of action, lost in thought.

Turn to 201.

Project AonWar of the Wizards