Fire on the Water


The guard roughly pushes you aside and runs out of the watchtower towards Tomb Square. There is a small room off the staircase and you decide to enter and search it before he returns. In it you discover:

  • Sword
  • Mace
  • Quarterstaff
  • Enough Food for 1 Meal
  • 6 Gold Crowns
  • Potion of Orange Liquid

If you wish to take any of these items, mark them on your Action Chart.10

As you are leaving, you collide with another guard and you both tumble down the stairs, but before he can gather his senses, you have sprinted off into the night.

Turn to 65.

[10] You have lost your Backpack and therefore cannot carry the Meal or the Orange Potion.

Project AonFire on the Water