Fire on the Water


You come to rest face downwards in a tangle of thick bracken. The ringing of steel and the horrible cries of the Helghast echo through the trees around you. You are stunned and cannot move until a hand grabs your arm and pulls you upright. It is Rhygar. His face is bloodied and his armour is battered and charred.

‘We must flee these demons, Lone Wolf.14 Strength and steel will not avail us here.’

You glimpse the silhouette of six Helghast on the forest road above. Their minds bent on the slaughter of Rhygar’s men, they fail to see you both slip away under cover of the wooded hillside.

Turn to 299.

[14] If you have not already been told, the Helghast are the riders who attacked your party. Helghast are ‘fell captains of the Darklords. They have the ability to adopt human form but are invulnerable to normal weapons.’

Project AonFire on the Water