The meal is poor. It is made up of yesterday’s leftovers, and what the captain tells you as you finish your meagre supper confirms your suspicions.
‘I have a confession to make, Kai Lord. The fire destroyed our entire food store; we had barely enough in the galley for this meal. I fear that we will have to survive on a diet of fresh fish until we reach Port Bax.’
Unless you have food in your Backpack, the poor meal leaves you hungry and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
After dinner, the captain challenges you to a game of Samor, a board game a little like chess, involving skilful strategy and bluff. To add a little excitement, he suggests a small wager.
If you wish to accept his offer, turn to 12.
If you wish to decline the game, bid the captain goodnight and return to your cabin to sleep by turning to 197.