You have fallen over a hundred-and-fifty feet into a massive snow drift. You are shaken and winded but otherwise unharmed. It takes nearly half an hour to tunnel your way clear and when you finally stagger out of the powdery snow, you are astounded by the sight that greets you. A huge underground cavern spreads into the distance. Stalactites of crystal hang from the icy ceiling and the constant dripping of melting snow fills this ice world with an eerie, musical sound. You are looking at an uncharted world that few Sommlending have ever seen, for you have fallen into the caverns of Kalte. This chamber is a tiny part of a massive underground labyrinth built by the Ancients, many ages before the Sommlending or even the Darklords set foot in Magnamund. Its wide avenues, temples, and halls once echoed with the sound of a race of creatures for whom the ice was a natural home. M’lare bowls still hang from the roof, bathing the chamber with their eternal light.
You shout towards the opening high above, but there is no reply. Irian and Fenor have given you up for dead, and they are now trying to make their way back to the Cardonal.
The sides of the cave are steep and sheer. To climb up to the surface from here would be impossible. In the distance, to the north, you notice a rough-hewn tunnel. There is also a similar tunnel to the west.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 64.
If you wish to explore the north tunnel, turn to 321.
If you wish to explore the west tunnel, turn to 275.