The Caverns of Kalte


You are on the very brink of losing your concentration when the rope around your foot loosens and drops away. You dive from the sledge barely seconds before it crashes into the crevasse. The dreadful cries of the Kanu-dogs can be heard as they plummet hundreds of feet into the darkness. Quickly, Fenor runs to your side and drags you away from the crumbling ice edge. You have lost your dog team, your sledge, and most of your food, but at least you are still alive.

You and Fenor jump the widening gap and join the rest of your party. After much discussion, the guides agree to continue with the mission even though the hardships will now be doubly severe. In the distance, you see a narrow passage at the edge of the ice shelf where it meets the Hrod Basin. By nightfall, you reach the shelter of this icy pass and camp there for the night. A quick check of your remaining food reveals the need to cut rations by half if all of you are to reach Ikaya. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the poor evening meal.

Turn to 325.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte