The Hall of the Brumalmarc is a vast chamber constructed of crystal blocks rising to a central plateau. On this stands the Brumalmarc throne, as old as Ikaya itself. There, Vonotar sits, surrounded by the tomes and eldritch trappings of a necromancer. He is rapt in study and does not see you enter the hall. He remains oblivious to your presence until Loi-Kymar sneezes.
‘Who dares disturb me?’ he hisses, rising from the Brumalmarc throne, his eyes searching for an intruder. Upon seeing you, he emits a horrified gasp and fumbles for his black staff. He has the look of a criminal who has been discovered in the act of some dreadful crime. Quickly you raise your weapon and begin to climb the crystal pyramid. You know that you have little time to reach him if you are to overpower and capture him alive.
You reach the edge of the plateau in time to see a wide circle of blocks descending around the throne. Between you and Vonotar, a deep moat is forming. Then from the depths of the moat you hear a ghastly, inhuman gibbering. You brace yourself for combat but are totally unprepared for the horror that now faces you. From out of the dark slithers a huge, ghoulish, green monster. Its deformed head is a mass of tentacles and suckers that ooze a putrid black slime. At the centre of this writhing mass a hideous yellow eye pulsates. Vonotar has control over this monster and he is directing it towards you.
If you possess an Effigy, turn immediately to 34.
If you do not possess an Effigy but do possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 164.
If you have neither of the above, turn to 200.