The Caverns of Kalte


The next day, thick snow clouds have descended over the Ljuk ice shelf and there is little wind. As you draw closer to the edge of the glacier, the surface of the ice shelf becomes very rough and broken. Slabs of solid ice jut out at every angle, forming difficult obstacles. You are forced to dismount from the sledges and manhandle them across the hummocks and ridges, as you try to reach the smoother slope of the distant Viad Glacier.

You have covered half a mile when ahead you see a large crevasse. This great crack in the ice is only two or three feet wide; but it extends for over a mile in either direction. For safety’s sake, you agree to tie a rope around your waists and link up together. Should one person fall into a crevasse, the others should be able to pull him out.

You cross this narrow fissure successfully, only to find yourselves in a maze of crevasses. Thin layers of snow hide their locations, and you only detect their presence by testing the ground with your weapon.

You have covered less than half a mile when you come to a crevasse over eight feet wide. You stare downwards, but there is no light to be seen in the black yawning void. Your sledges are ten feet long and could bridge the gap. But if the icy edge were to collapse, you could lose all your equipment at once.

If you wish to unload the sledges and use them as a bridge, turn to 232.

If you wish to jump across with the Kanu-dogs and then pull the sledges after you, turn to 346.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte