Holding your equipment and your breath, you try to land as quietly as you can on the dusty floor of the corridor. Unfortunately, you twist your ankle in the fall and cannot stifle a yelp of pain. Lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Then, to your horror, you see an Ice Barbarian seated less than thirty feet away to your left. His head is slowly turning in your direction. However, a quick glance to your right reveals another corridor heading north, less than fifteen feet from where you now kneel.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 74.
If you do not have this skill, you can try to run for the north corridor and pray that the Ice Barbarian does not see you. Turn to 183.
If you prefer, you can attack and attempt to silence the Ice Barbarian before he can raise the alarm, by turning to 161.