The chill air whistles past, and then you suddenly crash onto a ledge of ice, over thirty feet below. You are winded and badly shaken, but still conscious. The cries of your guides soon change to shouts of joy and amazement when they see you stagger to your feet. You look upwards to see Fenor leap safely across the crevasse. Seconds later, a rope is thrown down and you are pulled to safety.
You have lost your Kanu-dogs, your sledge with its provisions, and 2 ENDURANCE points. After an anxious discussion, your guides agree to continue the mission, although they know that the hardships will now be doubly severe. Then in the distance, Irian spots a narrow passage at the edge of the ice shelf at a point where it meets the Hrod Basin. You continue your journey, and by nightfall you have reached the shelter of this pass and decide to set up camp.
Checking the remaining food stores, you realize that rations will have to be cut by half if all of you are to reach Ikaya. You lose another 1 ENDURANCE point due to the scant evening meal.