The Caverns of Kalte


The old man slowly raises his head. His eyes look tired and bruised. The congealed blood of several wounds mats his long grey beard. He struggles to his feet and peers into the darkness above. ‘Who lurks there? Is that you Vonotar? Show yourself, worm, or be gone. I’ll not cower from you, nor will I hide my loathing. You will never break me, traitor!’ he shouts, defiantly shaking his scrawny fist in the air.

You cannot mistake his accent, for it is identical to your own. The old man is one of your countrymen, a Sommlending from the northern port of Toran.

If you possess a Rope, you can lower it to the floor and rescue the old man from the cell by turning to 118.

If you do not have a Rope, or if you do not wish to rescue him, you can continue along the passage by turning to 30.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte