The Caverns of Kalte


In the afternoon, your journey towards the glacier gradually becomes far more laborious. The blood vessels in both your eyes begin to swell until you feel as though your eyeballs are being tattooed with red-hot needles, or as if your eyelids are full of grit and sand.

Fenor is the first to notice your condition, and he halts the sledges. ‘Snow-blindness,’ he says, tearing an old rag into long strips of bandage. ‘If you go on like that, you’ll go mad with pain before nightfall.’

You lose 2 ENDURANCE points. Your sore eyes are swathed in bandages and you are made to lie amongst the equipment at the rear of the sledge. Then the trek continues. By nightfall, you reach the edge of the Viad Glacier.

Turn to 62.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte