The Caverns of Kalte


A shiver runs up your spine as Dyce’s screams fade away into the dark gorge. You are staring into the inky blackness when Irian suddenly shouts: ‘There … over there. I’m sure I saw something.’

You turn to see him pointing not at the gorge but towards the west. ‘Look, over there,’ says Fenor, who is also pointing, but at a ridge of ice in the middle distance. Two fur-clad warriors are standing on top of a large slab of ice. They stare in your direction, alerted no doubt by Dyce’s scream.

‘Ice Barbarians,’ whispers Irian, his voice shaking with fear. ‘If they reach Ikaya before us, we’re as good as dead.’

You are still fifteen miles from the ice fortress and less than three hours of daylight remain.

If you wish to try to outrun the Ice Barbarians and press on to Ikaya, turn to 327.

If you decide to attack them to prevent them raising the alarm, turn to 307.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte