Fenor suddenly leaps to his feet and grabs his sword. ‘It’s a Kalkoth. Quickly, arm yourselves or we are done for.’ The others fumble for their weapons as Fenor disappears out into the snow. Almost immediately, there is a piercing scream of agony and something is hurled against the tent. The tent collapses and you find yourself lying face to face with Fenor’s mutilated body.
Gripped by sudden fear and panic, you scramble out of the tangled chaos and unsheathe your weapon. The hideous shape of a large, four-legged monster leaps at you. Its red eyes glow like hot coals and its fanged mouth is wide open to reveal a long barbed tongue. It is upon you and you must fight it to the death.
If you lose any ENDURANCE points during this combat, turn immediately to 129.
If you kill the creature without losing any ENDURANCE points, turn to 151.