The Caverns of Kalte


You unsheathe the golden sword and sever the ropes with one blow. Your foot is free, and you leap from the sledge barely seconds before it disappears into the crevasse. Quickly, Fenor runs to your side and pulls you away from the crumbling edge. You have lost your Kanu-dogs, your sledge, and provisions, but not your life. You both jump the widening gap and join the others.

Despite the loss of equipment, your guides agree to continue the mission even though they know that the hardships will now be far greater. In the distance, you can see a narrow passage at the edge of the ice shelf where it joins the Hrod Basin. By nightfall, you have reached the shelter of this narrow pass and you decide to set up camp.

You make a check of the remaining food stores and realize that rations will have to be cut by half if you are all to reach Ikaya. You lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the small evening meal.

Turn to 325.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte