The Caverns of Kalte


The man jerks his head back as if suddenly woken from a trance. ‘Who’s there?’ he whispers, his deep-set eyes peering into the gloom above. ‘Is anyone there, or does madness now befriend me?’ You extend your hand through the portal and chance a wave to show your whereabouts. ‘The gods be praised,’ he cries, jumping excitedly to his feet. ‘My name is Tygon. I am a merchant from Ragadorn. The Ice Barbarians kidnapped me and my cargo, and brought me here. I now await an audience with their new Brumalmarc, the Sommlending sorcerer called Vonotar. It seems that he will decide my fate. If you free me, I’ll help you as best I can.’

If you have a Rope, you can lower it through the portal and help the man to climb out of his cell by turning to 328.

If you do not possess a Rope, or if you do not want to help him, you can continue along the corridor towards the stairs by turning to 166.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte