The Caverns of Kalte


‘Quick, we must pack up and leave immediately,’ shouts Fenor, the howling wind carrying his words away into the night. ‘Kalkoth never hunt alone. There’s sure to be others nearby—they can smell blood miles away.’

The tent is dismantled and you quickly leave, Dyce leading the way and you guarding the rear. You have covered less than fifty yards when disaster strikes. Blinded both by the darkness and the wind, Dyce fails to see that the path comes to an abrupt end at the edge of a sheer precipice. You freeze with horror as you hear the screams of your guides fading into the darkness. With death threatening from all sides, you cling in desperation to the frozen rock-face.

If you have coated yourself with Baknar oil, turn to 209.

If you have not applied this oil to your skin, turn to 339.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte