The Caverns of Kalte


You open the door just enough to be able to pour the Vial of Graveweed into the bubbling gruel. You have not long to wait for the Ice Barbarians to eat what will be their last supper. You are now free to explore. (Remember to erase this potion from your Action Chart.)


The kitchen is small and surprisingly well stocked with herbs. ‘These must have come from the trading post at Ljuk,’ says Loi-Kymar, peering at the many jars and bottles. He takes several of the herb jars and crams them into the pockets of his robes. You are anxious to leave in case other guards should enter, but the old magician seems completely engrossed in his new discoveries. He opens two small jars, and mixes the contents together, urging you to eat with him. ‘It will give you strength, Lone Wolf,’ he says. As you eat the dry leaves, you feel a warm glow radiating throughout your body. Restore 6 ENDURANCE points to your current total.

Turn to 301.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte