The Caverns of Kalte


For three days and nights, you fight your way northwards across the tortuous glacier. Falls, bruises, cut shins, awkward crevasses, razor-edged ice, and the constant bitter wind all conspire to sap your strength. However, you count yourself very lucky to have avoided a blizzard, and after a fatiguing trek you eventually reach the shelter of Cloudmaker Mountain in time to set up camp there for the night.

This huge mountain is over thirteen thousand feet high, and shaped like a giant shark’s fin. As the cold west winds blow around its peak, great plumes of cloud trail away across the Viad Glacier. It is this strange phenomenon which gives the mountain its apt name.

You soon find an ideal campsite among the shattered fissures of the rock-strewn base. Quickly the tent is up and you are under canvas once again. You have left the tent to answer a call of nature when you discover, purely by chance, the faint glow of torchlight from a small crack in the rocks above.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 98.

If you wish to investigate this strange light, turn to 49.

If you wish to ignore it and return to the tent, turn to 212.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte