The Caverns of Kalte


You hold your breath as you wipe handfuls of the slimy grease inside your jacket. But as the oil penetrates your skin, you feel a warm glow, as if you were near an open fire. The more grease that you apply, the warmer you become. You also notice that the terrible smell is gradually fading away. (Note the fact that you have applied Baknar oil on your Action Chart although it does not take up any space and only applies for the duration of this adventure.)

‘Once it’s in your skin, you can’t smell a thing,’ says Irian, calling the others to take some Baknar oil. This oil is excellent insulation against the freezing temperatures of Kalte, and may well help you in the near future. As you return to your tent, only the Kanu-dogs seem to object to the smell. They whine and bury their noses in the snow as you walk past.


Turn to 134.

Project AonThe Caverns of Kalte