You enter the forest and descend the wooded hillside towards the River Xane. You have gone only a few yards when the trees become far too dense for you to be able to continue on horseback. Reluctantly, you signal to your men to dismount and continue on foot.
You soon reach the river and follow the foam-flecked water upstream. The climb takes you through a maze of wide rock terraces worn smooth by the force of the river. Then, at a point where the torrent is fed by many smaller streams, you catch sight of six bandits, stabbing at the water with their spears as it thunders along the smooth-hewn channels. On the far bank, you can see a pile of grey fish standing next to a horse-drawn wagon, which you recognize as a Sommlending cavalry wagon.
If you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn, turn to 166.
If you have yet to reach this level of Kai training, you can launch a surprise attack on the bandits and turn to 14.
If you would rather try to sneak across the river under the cover of the many large boulders that divert the watercourse, turn to 316.
If you would rather avoid crossing here and head back the way you have just come, turn to 232.