Mile after mile, you ride across the flat and desolate landscape surrounding the Ruanon Pike. (You have entered the Wildlands south of the Pass of Moytura and cannot use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for food in this desolate area.) Yet in spite of the uninspiring view, your men seem in fine spirits. They sing rousing marching songs to relieve the tedium of the journey and help to allay fears of what may lie ahead. During the afternoon, storm clouds gather above the peaks of the Durncrag Mountains to the west, and the roll of distant thunder warns of imminent rain.
It is late afternoon when your scouts sight a coaching tavern on the highway ahead. It is a large stone building that has been fortified.
If you wish to stop at the tavern for the night, turn to 63.
If you decide to brave a possible storm and continue to ride south, turn to 141.