On the far side of the boathouse, a narrow slipway descends to a door at river level. One of your men hurries over and raises the stout drawbar while the others carry the rowing boat down the ramp. You push off and clamber aboard, emerging from the boathouse with such a jolt that you are thrown forward in a heap. By the time you have disentangled yourselves, the boat is firmly in the grip of the river current. You grab an oar and fight to keep the boat in the centre of the rushing water as it speeds on its course through the foothills of the Maaken Range. But no sooner has the boat been brought under control than you are confronted by an unexpected hazard: ahead of you the river suddenly disappears into the rock-face beneath a massive granite ledge. It is too late to avoid being swept into the inky black cavern, and as you glide into the darkness, you prepare yourself for any hidden dangers that may lurk inside.