The Chasm of Doom


The wagons are drawn into a circle and you set up camp inside. A ranger is posted to patrol the perimeter. The troubadours construct a small stage onto which strides Yesu. He calls for silence before announcing the title of their play, ‘The Brave Warriors of Sommerlund’, a choice that meets with the hearty approval of your men.

During the performance, you notice something very odd; not only is one of the actors using a real sword, but it is a type of sword only issued to officers of the Sommlending cavalry. After the play you approach the man to question him about the sword. He looks at you nervously and makes a dash for the darkness of the perimeter wagons.

If you wish to give chase and have either the Kai Discipline of Tracking or Hunting, turn to 332.

If you do not possess these skills but still wish to give chase, turn to 58.

If you decide to let him go, return to your men by turning to 165.

Project AonThe Chasm of Doom