The hideous creature uncoils itself from your legs and sinks into the water. You are elated by your victory, but your lungs feel as if they are on fire. You claw your way upwards until you eventually reach the surface, choking and gasping for air.
The only sign of the rowing boat and your men that remains on the surface of this dark and dreadful river is a splintered oar floating nearby. You hook your arm over this and drift with the current towards the far bank. A check of your Backpack and pockets reveals that nothing was lost during your struggle in the water, but this discovery comes as cold comfort now that your brave company is no more.
Steeling yourself against the unknown dangers that may lie ahead, you resolve to reach Ruanon and uncover the veil of mystery that surrounds it. But first you allow yourself one last look at the black river before you enter the west tunnel.