Suddenly you realize just how hungry you are. You must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. You pass unseen through the exotic plants that grow everywhere in abundance. The gravelled path divides a lawn of strange, luxuriant, purple grass and leads to a magnificent fountain. A jet of clear blue water catches the sun, reflecting and refracting an eye-dazzling rainbow of colour. You gaze beyond the fountain to where the vaulting towers of the palace soar into the sky, and carefully note the positions of the doors and windows.
There are two entrances to the Grand Palace from the gardens; you can either go through the palace kitchens or through the Vizu-diar—the Zakhan’s trophy hall. However, only one of these entrances will lead to the Imperial Apothecary, and to the precious Oede herb stored there.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking or Sixth Sense, turn to 37.
If you wish to enter the palace through the kitchens, turn to 66.
If you wish to enter through the Vizu-diar, turn to 149.