You pass through the door and hurry into the welcoming cool of the room beyond. You notice a large drawbar on this side of the door and instinctively lock it to delay any would-be pursuers. The room is empty, save for some clothing draped over the back of a wrought-iron chair. Judging by the size and cut of the material, the clothes must belong to the armourer.
You can hear noises echoing from a passage to the east; the voices of hungry guards and the distinctive clatter of plates.
You climb a wide stairway and follow a network of passages towards the west. They are lined with alcoves that contain marble busts and beautiful tapestries, each depicting a past Zakhan or a long-forgotten battle.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 105.
If you do not possess this skill, turn to 158.