The jala tastes as good as it smells and, after your dusty trek through the hills, is a welcome relief to your parched throat. Restore 1 ENDURANCE point.
‘Do you know where we may be able to find a man called Tipasa the Wanderer?’ asks Banedon, successfully hiding his Northland accent with his expert mastery of the Ikareshi dialect.
‘I’m sorry, friend, but I have never heard of this man,’ replies one of the men.
‘You would be wise,’ interrupts the other, ‘to ask the widow Soushilla. There is little in Ikaresh that she does not know.’
‘Where can she be found?’ you ask.
‘At her tavern, of course,’ they reply, simultaneously. ‘Cross Eagle Square and you’ll find it on the way to the Dougga Market.’
You thank the Ikareshi and leave the eating house. Retracing your steps to the square, you set off towards the Dougga Market in search of Soushilla the Widow.