Shadow on the Sand


Suddenly, the pain subsides, but a new horror is taking shape before your eyes. Out of the darkness, a green whorl of vapour is forming slowly into the shape of a glistening, serpent-like monster. A grey mist issues forth from the Darklord’s mouth, floating towards the core of this horror, infusing it with the power of death. The serpent writhes and convulses as the grey mist fills its body, changing it from a dream-like illusion into a living nightmare. Two pinpoints of crimson glow from its eyes, as it slithers towards you.


If you possess a Jewelled Mace, you may add 5 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the combat, for it is an enchanted weapon, especially effective against such a creature.


If you win the combat, turn to 335.

Project AonShadow on the Sand