You recognize the flag that flies above a fortified platform in the centre of the strange craft: it is the crescent and crystal star ensign of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran, a city in northern Sommerlund. The skyship is commanded by a Sommlending wizard—one of your own countrymen. He is a blond-haired young man dressed in long, dark blue robes.
You are so stunned by the fateful appearance of the craft that you fail to notice the blood seeping from the Itikar’s mouth: the creature is near to death. Suddenly, the great bird lets out a pitiful and agonizing caw. Its wings stiffen, and its head falls limply forward as the last flicker of life escapes from its torn body. You are pitched forward, and your stomach heaves as you plummet towards Lake Inrahim.
Pick a number from the Random Number Table.
If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 374.
If it is 5–8, turn to 254.
If it is 9, turn to 261.