As you climb over the lifeless bodies, you notice a Copper Key on a chain around one of their necks. Grabbing the Key, you slip it into your pocket, and race down the steps towards a dim light below. Mark the Copper Key on your Action Chart as a Special Item.
A small fire, over which is roasting a chicken on a spit, illuminates a guardroom at the base of the tower. On the back of a wrought-iron chair hangs a Canteen of Water, and lying beside it is a razor-sharp Broadsword. You may take either of these items if you wish, and mark them on your Action Chart (the Canteen is a Backpack Item).
You hear the Drakkarim rushing down the tower stairs. They will soon be upon you.
If you wish to leave the tower by a door in the north wall, turn to 246.
If you wish to prepare yourself for combat and wait for the Drakkarim to appear, turn to 231.