You stagger to your feet to see the Skyrider being engulfed by Drakkarim; they leap from their shrieking Kraan and crash onto the decks and outriggers, their black swords already drawn from their scabbards. The dwarves are caught by surprise; their weapons have been unloaded and stored below deck. Even so, they are quick to rally and fight with skill and fury. Above the din you hear Nolrim’s joyous battle-cry, ‘Blood for blood!’
An unexpected blow catches you squarely on the back, knocking you from the platform to the deck below. You have risen to one knee when your assailant attacks again. You cannot evade him.
Due to the surprise of the attack, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 2 for the first 3 rounds of combat.
If you win the combat, turn to 333.