Dawn is breaking on the horizon of a low hill, blurred and dotted with small tufted trees. Swiftly the Skyrider has voyaged through the night to arrive at the foothills of the Koneshi Mountains, in whose folds the skyship is safely tucked away from watchful eyes. Twenty-five miles to the north, across a landscape of barren rock and dry brush, lies the Tomb of the Majhan.
You and Banedon set off before the dawn, anxious not to waste either time or the protective cover of darkness. Now, as the great golden disc of the sun rises in the sky, for the first time you can see your goal. A massive excavation has exposed the heart of this scorched land, delving deep around the tombs of its forgotten ancestors. Thousands of Giaks, spiteful and malicious servants of the Darklords, labour unceasingly to remove rock and sand from this quarry, forced by Drakkarim to drag their backbreaking loads up ramps to the rim of the crater.
Close to the edge of the crater, an encampment of black tents surrounds a large domed canopy. Lying in the shade of this construction is a huge flying creature—an Imperial Zlanbeast. Its presence here can only mean one thing: Darklord Haakon has arrived. The thought chills your blood, but you draw comfort from the labour of his slaves. That they continue to labour is a sign that their mission has yet to be completed: the Book of the Magnakai has yet to be found.
It is impossible to approach the crater unseen; you will have to wait for darkness before you attempt to enter the Tomb. During the long wait, it is agreed that Banedon should attempt to find Tipasa. It is likely that he is being held captive inside the encampment—the Darklords would be unlikely to kill him before discovering the treasure they seek.
During the day, you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. (You may not use Hunting if required to eat a Meal in the middle of this wasteland.) Make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.