As you slay the last of the Crypt Spawn, Haakon reels back as if weakened by the death of his creatures. You raise the Sommerswerd, willing the blade to discharge a bolt of power that will burn the evil Darklord from the face of Magnamund forever. The blade shimmers with golden fire, but no searing blast issues from its tip. Suddenly, you realize what has happened; you are beneath the earth, and there is no sun from which the sword can draw its power.
Haakon utters a terrible laugh that shakes the floor. A beam of blue flame is growing from the stone in his hand, forming a fiery blade that crackles and spits as it cuts through the dust-choked air. The stench of death and decay fills your nostrils as the Darklord prepares to attack.
Darklord Haakon: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 45
Unless you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 2 for the duration of this combat.
If you win the combat, turn to 400.