[1] (Section 4) Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 clarifies: ‘Strictly speaking, the Sommerswerd [or Dagger of Vashna] is a Special Item—not a Weapon. You should erase a Weapon from your Action Chart. If you do not possess a Weapon, only then do you lose the Sommerswerd [or Dagger of Vashna].’
[2] (Section 17) If you cannot afford to pay for a room, the tavern-keeper will accept one Backpack Item or Weapon in lieu of payment for a night in the dormitory.
[3] (Section 26) For this combat, you may not gain bonuses from a Shield or any weapon other than a Bow. In this case, Weaponmastery with Bow grants you the 3 COMBAT SKILL bonus points that Weaponmastery with mêlée weapons normally grants, rather than adding 3 to each Random Number pick (which would not work for the Combat Results Table). Other restrictions may apply, depending on your interpretation of the rules.
[4] (Section 98) The shop owner will buy 4 Arrows for 1 Gold Crown.
[5] (Section 232) You should deduct the Meal from your Backpack immediately if you decide to head to your room. The ensuing sections will make it clear why this is so.
[6] (Section 252) The 3-point bonus to your Random Number picks when using this Bow can be added to the 3-point bonus you may already have with Weaponmastery with Bow for a total of 6 points. As with the bonus for Weaponmastery with Bow, you may only add this bonus when determining the success of a Bow shot.