Night has fallen by the time you reach the river town of Soren, and the sky is clear and full of stars that sparkle with icy splendour. You ride the main street towards the quay where a score of river ships lie docked at the town. Their signal lamps, shimmering red and green from the mast-tops, reflect upon the cold, dark waters of the River Storn.
A board standing beside the gangplank to a large transport caravel catches your eye. On it are chalked the prices of passage to three destinations.
Rhem—15 Gold Crowns
Eula—20 Gold Crowns
A fourth destination—Tekaro—has been crossed out and scribbled beside it is: ‘Cancelled due to war’.
If you wish to buy a ticket to one of the destinations, turn to 10.
If you do not wish to buy a ticket—or cannot afford to—turn to 68.