The Kingdoms of Terror


The shop is filled with a fascinating collection of stuffed creatures, each one in a life-like pose and displayed in a realistic setting. A two-headed wolf stands guard at the entrance to a cave, a baknar lies on a snowy ledge, and a desert ganthi drinks its fill from a sculptured oasis of sandstone and toa trees.

You are examining the beautifully preserved head of an Itikar when you hear a soft, cultivated voice behind you.

‘Good evening, sir. Welcome to my establishment.’

A tall, aristocratic man dressed in a richly embroidered robe steps forward and bows. He is clearly impressed by your interest in his work and offers to conduct you on a brief tour of his shop.

If you wish to see more of the fascinating taxidermy, turn to 345.

If you wish to decline his generous offer and leave the shop, turn to 149.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror