The Kingdoms of Terror


It is nearly dark when you catch sight of a tavern on the road ahead. Two guttering torches set into rusty brackets illuminate the sign nailed above the door:

The Halfway Inn

You recognize the name of the tavern that Cyrilus spoke of this morning, and it grieves you that he is not here to accompany you. Distant thunder rumbles through the hills as you stable your horse and enter the welcoming warmth of the taproom. The tavern is alive with the chatter of merchants, the clink of glasses, and the crackle of a blazing fire. The centre of the room is dominated by a small stage on which a conjurer is performing his tricks to the delight of the customers.

If you wish to stand and watch the conjurer, turn to 199.

If you wish to enquire about a room for the night, turn to 253.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror