Beyond the doorway, a flight of narrow stone steps leads to a small room. Books line two of the walls from floor to ceiling, and another wall is filled with racks of scrolls, hand-bells, and parchments bound round with ribbons of green silk. Then, in the remaining wall, a door opens and a tiny creature with unblinking crimson eyes bids you welcome. Instantly you recognize the stunted features of a Kloon.
‘Good evening, sir,’ it says in a strong voice that belies its small, squat body. ‘Welcome to our guild-house. How may we be of service?’
If you wish to ask the Kloon for directions to Brass Street, turn to 165.
If you wish to ask it about the Lorestone of Varetta, turn to 262.
If you do not wish to question the creature, you may leave the guild-house and turn to 105.