The Kingdoms of Terror


‘My humble thanks,’ says the frail old man as you help him to his feet. ‘I am forever in your debt.’

Taking him by the arm, you escort him to his table where he gathers up his scattered belongings. ‘My name is Cyrilus. I am a magician,’ he says meekly, as if apologizing for some weakness or abnormality. ‘I claim no great understanding of the arcane—my talents are modest by any standard. I only dabble in simple tricks, earning my keep with amusements and sleights-of-hand to amuse the courtiers of Varetta.’

Your eyes obviously betray you; the old man is quick to note your sudden interest in the word ‘Varetta’.

If you wish to ask him about the Lorestone of Varetta, turn to 83.

If you do not wish to question him, bid him goodnight and turn to 239.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror