The Kingdoms of Terror


As you destroy the last of the fleshless skeletons, you see that the struggle has spread beyond the walls of the churchyard. From the depths of an open crypt, a shambling mass of zombies are hurling themselves at the riders, tearing the terrified warriors from their saddles. Roark’s summonation has gone horribly out of control; no living creature is safe from the terror he has unleashed.

The lordling turns and gallops away in blind panic, leaving his followers to their grisly deaths. As he disappears, the swirling funnel of darkness slowly fades, and the undead stagger and fall, crumbling into dust, which is carried away on the evening breeze.

You rush to the aid of the old magician, who lies, mortally wounded, pinned beneath the body of his dead horse. As you cradle his head in your hands, his eyes flicker and open and he forces a whisper from his blood-flecked lips:

‘Brass … Street … ’

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 216.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 46.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror