The Kingdoms of Terror


You enter a wide street where black iron lanterns swing above the doors of shops and houses, their oily black smoke staining the walls and adding a pall of gloom to the darkening sky. The street descends towards the River Quarl, where flatboats lie moored at the rich merchant wharves. Quarlen stands at the most northerly point on the river that can be navigated by boat and barge, and it is here that the river meets the caravan routes to Casiorn and the Lastlands, so ensuring the future of the town.

At the approach to a wide stone bridge, you see an impressive-looking hostelry, with stables and outhouses. A painted shield hangs above the courtyard gate proudly displaying its name:

The Barrel Bridge Tavern

The moment you enter the courtyard, a stableboy appears from nowhere and bids you welcome. He takes charge of your horse and shows you the door to the tavern hall. It is crowded, despite the early hour, and a roaring fire blazes in its great stone hearth. The smell of roasting beef makes your mouth water, reminding you that you have not eaten today.

If you do not have any Gold Crowns, turn to 91.

Otherwise, if you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship or Divination, turn to 346.

If you wish to take a seat and order some food, turn to 172.

If you wish to approach the bar and ask about a room for the night, turn to 232.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror