The Kingdoms of Terror


The chase takes you deep into the heart of the Varettian Hills. Soon the highway dips and twists, plunging into the valleys and hollows carved by fast-flowing streams, and climbing through the dense woodland that clings precariously to every precipice and crag. You often lose sight of the riders, but your basic Kai skills of tracking and hunting enable you to follow their trail with ease. It is not until you reach a tiny village perched on the edge of a tree-lined crag that their trail becomes indistinct. However, you notice that at the far side of the village, a stony hill track branches from the main highway and ascends into the trees.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 117.

If you wish to continue along the highway, turn to 143.

If you wish to follow the hill track, turn to 241.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror