The Kingdoms of Terror


The path ends at the point where the Rivers Storn and Quarl converge in a V-shaped bank. Ogron engineers and carpenters are busy at work constructing pontoons for floating bridges, which look like enclosed rowing boats and are destined to be used to cross the river further downstream.

Staring out across the water, you notice a dark shadow like the entrance to a cave at the base of the city wall. After concentrating for a few moments, you find you can make out the dull criss-cross of metal bars. It is a sewer outfall.

If you wish to ask the blue-skinned Ogrons what they know about the sewer outfall, turn to 133.

If you wish to try to take one of the pontoons and row across the river, turn to 163.

If you wish to swim across the river, turn to 171.

Project AonThe Kingdoms of Terror