The Jungle of Horrors


[1] (Equipment) The Lantern is designed to be self-lighting. You will not need a Tinderbox or any other means of creating a flame to light it.

[2] (Section 1) Many sections in this book assume that you possess the Pass, therefore you should not discard it during this adventure.

[3] (Section 3) This is the correct answer to the riddle from Section 112.

[4] (Section 7) This is the correct answer to the riddle from Section 338.

[5] (Section 16) This is the correct answer to the riddle from Section 126.

[6] (Section 59) This is the correct answer to the riddle from Section 141.

[7] (Section 60) You cannot use the Dagger of Vashna, the Jewelled Mace, or the Magic Spear in lieu of the Sommerswerd to fight this Helghast because those weapons are not capable of protecting you from its impending attacks (cf. Sections 47 and 308).

[8] (Section 112) If you decide to make a guess, the section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

[9] (Section 126) If you decide to make a guess, the section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

[10] (Section 141) If you decide to make a guess, the section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

[11] (Section 202) Many sections in this book assume that you possess the Lodestone, therefore you should not discard it during this adventure unless you are forced to do so or given an explicit opportunity.

[12] (Section 338) If you decide to make a guess, the section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

Project AonThe Jungle of Horrors