The Cauldron of Fear


Neither you nor the plains farmers are able to answer Khmar’s riddle correctly, and you all forfeit your stakes (remember to delete what you wagered from your Action Chart). But Khmar is a very sporting fellow. He offers you the chance to win back what you have just lost by answering his next riddle correctly.

‘This is Juno, my youngest boy,’ he says, patting the head of his second son. ‘I am four times as old as him now. Twenty years from now, I will be only twice as old as him. How old am I, and how old is my son today?’

If you think you have both the answers to this riddle, add the two ages together and turn to the entry number that is the same as the total.11

If you cannot answer the riddle, turn to 302.

[11] The section corresponding to the correct answer to Khmar’s riddle will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.

Project AonThe Cauldron of Fear