Like most southern Anarian peasants, these farm hands are simple folk. They have heard nothing of the war in the north, and know nothing about the Darkland armies that are poised to assault their capital. All they are able to tell you is that a great many wagons carrying ‘Takas’, or rich city folk, have travelled the road to Navasari in the last ten days.
They would be happy to share their humble meal of corn soup with you, but the smell of their dung fire has destroyed your appetite and you refuse their offer politely. Banedon, who has been talking with the owner of the house, returns to his horse and nods at the signpost. ‘It’s pointing the wrong way. A few days ago one of the Takas’ wagons ran into it and nobody has bothered to fix it yet.’
With a wave, the farm hands bid you farewell as you urge your horses back onto the highway. You are now hungry and must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.