‘The Elder Magi sent word of your coming, Lone Wolf,’ says Gwynian. ‘They knew of my appointment to the city judiciary when I came to live here two years ago. My home, the Halls of Learning in Varetta, was destroyed by a fire set by agents of the Darklords. Like yourself, I am a sole survivor, the last of my order. The Elders asked me to afford you what protection I could and to help you in your quest for the Lorestone of Tahou.’
He leads you to a table, the surface of which is engraved with a huge map of the city. With a rod of glass he points to the location of the Tahou Cauldron: it is in the Square of the Dragons in the West District of the city. ‘The Cauldron is a funnel-shaped hollow with a circular shaft at its base. The shaft descends to the ruins of the ancient city of Zaaryx, 500 feet below Tahou. Legend tells us that the Lorestone was thrown into the Cauldron to prevent the Black Zakhan of Vassagonia from capturing it during the Great Khordaim War. The shaft was closed off and has remained sealed for the last 360 years.’
You ask Gwynian if he can order the release of your companion. ‘It has already been done,’ he replies. ‘I released Banedon into the custody of his former mentor, Chiban the Magician, three hours ago. He is with him now at his house on Leech Street. He is quite safe, but you must not delay your quest any further by going there yourself. At dawn the enemy will be at the gates of the city, and the battle for Tahou will have begun. There is only one man that can help now, for there is only one person that can grant you access to the shaft of the Cauldron that descends to Zaaryx. That man is President Toltuda of Anari. Come, I will arrange an audience with him immediately.’